Amy, a former librarian and teacher, has been writing novels, children’s books, and devotionals for over ten years. Amy loves to travel, take pictures, and read constantly.
Amy’s blog, followed by thousands around the world, comes out every Wednesday. Amy writes about about her life, her family, her faith, and what inspires her and her books.

Featured Book

Clothed With Strength and Dignity – Women of the Bible

“For the first time, I felt welcomed by women who have always been there, because Amy made the introductions. As a mother I am grateful to pass the rich legacies of these women on to my daughter. As a daughter of the King, I now appreciate the sisters before me.”

-Liv Harrison, author, speaker, podcaster

Was Rebekah a meddler or a cooperative working with and for God? How was Miriam the first women to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation? Why is Bathsheba a prototype of the Blessed Mother? What can Mary Magdalene teach us about discipleship?

In this first of its kind work, Amy Schisler provides a book with an optional workbook and video series about women of the Bible created by, with, and for Catholic women. The book highlights twenty-five women and what they can teach us through their lives and examples in a uniquely Catholic way. Beginning with Eve and ending with Mary Magdalene, Schisler takes a deeper look at prominent and not-so-prominent women who shaped the course of Biblical history.

Recent Novels

The Good Wine by Amy Schisler
Seeking Tranquility Cover

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Read Amy’s Blogs

Priests, Prophets, and Kings

Did you know that you have been called to be a prophet, a priest, and a king?  In his Letter to the Ephesians, St. Paul wrote about baptism and how through baptism, we received graces; and with those graces, gifts; and with those gifts, the appointments of “some should be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists,…

Recognizing the Lord

In today’s Gospel, we hear the beautiful account of the Walk to Emmaus. Often, people ask, “Why didn’t they recognize Jesus?” It’s hard to imagine not recognizing someone we spent so much time with, who taught us, loved us, and died for us. How can these people, Cleopas and (most likely) his wife Mary, not…

Just Say Yes

Today’s post can be read in full on the WINE website. “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38). Mary’s fiat, her yes, changed her life and changed the world. What can we do with our little lives if we say yes to…


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